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Interview Matias Muniz , Bodyboarder pro from Chilie

par Island Slalom Tour 3 Mai 2013, 12:33 INTERVIEW Bodyboard

Direction le Chile à la découverte d'un Bodyboarder pro qui fait quelques étapes du Tour IBA! J'ai le plaisir de vous faire découvrir ce fondu de bodyboard!


Could you describe you in few line?


A man who loves the ocean


Matias Muñiz x Rose Pinilla

Pic Rose Pinilla


When did you started bodyboarding and why?


I started bodyboarding at 12 years old, because it was a cool thing to do.


What do you prefer in bodyboarding! prone or Drop knee and Why?


I like`em both  50/50. But i have to say that oldschool dropkneers were a lot better tan the ones we see today.


Matias Muñiz x Rodrigo Muñoz



Where do you live ! is it a good place?


Now i`m living in Iquique, Chile. It is the craziest place ever with barreling waves every single day.


Matias Muniz 2


What is your best result in contest?


Have won a lot of big contest here in Chile, but my best experience was shredding a few heats on the 2001 Pipeline Masters main event. Nowadays im more into free surfing.


Matias Muñiz x Nono Marambio

 Pic Nono Marambio


What is the craziest meal that you eat during a surf trip?


Once, a few friends and i got stuck in a remote beach in middle of nothing in southern Chile due to a heavy storm, the only food we had left after three days of camping was spaguetti with tuna, then the cook spread them all on the sand wen he was draining them.  That was supose to be the only meal we take for a couple of days untill we could get out of there, so the only choise was to ate`em. There were a bit cruchy but it was better than to eating each other.


Do you often ride skateboards?


I use to when i was a kid, but not anymore.


Matias Muñiz x Juan Vergara

Pic Juan Vergara


Island Slalom Tour is a series of skateboarding contests on tiny french islands where nobody has ever skated! We are as Captain cook at Hawaii in 1600! Except we have now motor boats and concrete roads... What do you think about this?


Sounds awesome! New venues are allways good to see on competitions.


Matias Muñiz2 x Rose Pinilla


What is your biggest Wipe Out?


Close out at 25 feet Todos Santos, Mexico


Matias Muniz by AngelesRoca

Pic :Nono Marambio


One morning, you wake up ,You arrive in your kitchen and suddenly,you see a genius in wetsuit! He say:” Hey Matias, I can offer you 2 magic gifts if you give me a bottle of milk! What do you say?


Dont have milk but i can take you to the beach if you lend me your wetsuit.


Matias Muniz


If you had the choice between these situations:

A surf-Trip 9 months in Belgium

A domino-course of 3 weeks at Loudeac town in brittany


Locking-24h in a cage with a gorilla a bit edgy.

Which you choose and why?


Best surftrips are those you score when less you expected. Have to go for the surftrip in Belgium.


Matias Muniz by AngelesRoca

Pic AngelesRoca


How would you define a good session ?


Glassy barrels and wedgey ramps with no currents.


What do you think about annaelle challenge,IBA event?You will come?


I would loooooove to surf France!! You cant imagine how badly i do.


Matias Muniz 3


Do you have sponsors?


Not any more.


A last Word ?


Thanks for this enterview and congratulations for your good job!!







Et ici plus de 130 interviews de riders de toute la france et ailleurs! 

L'asso Island Slalom Tour donne la parole au Boadyboarders!! 



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