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Interview Dougy about his Pro Model Fire Bodyboards

par Island Slalom Tour 12 Avril 2012, 07:04 INTERVIEW Bodyboard


Uné petité Interview de Dougy Smith à propos de son pro modèle de chez Fire Bodyboards!j'ai essayé de décripter sa board et les différents choix comme un crescent tail, un double stringer...


You're more Prone or Drop Knee?

I'm more prone, I'm too unco for dropknee ha!


You recently signed with Fire! Why?

I signed with fire cause I know the head guy, he is a good person and I have faith in him, he was offering me my own model and I couldn't resist, I don't think many guys would!


You've tested under what conditions? Content of the first sensations with this board?

I've surfed in big, small, onshore, offshore, pumping and shitty conditions and there the best boards I have ridden, it's like my best friend it pulls me through tough times and gets me high!!


On your board, you choose crescent tail and Graduated channels! Could you explain this choice?

I chose Crescent and graduated channels because they help you get your line and build as much speed as possible to get you where you want to go.


I saw that you've surfed big waves with your board Fire! It is solid? Quality is good?

They quality is the best, I've ridden boards from Portugal, France and Indonesia and FIRE is by far the best quality in boards.


You have also 2 pro Tubulars stringers,is it for big wave? Stringer is it important?

I have a PE double stringer because you can still get a bit of flexibility when scooping and the double stringer allows you gain your speed up again and drive out of deep barrels.


For example! I ama bodyboarder very clever! And I search a new bodyboard!
What could you say me to motivate to buy your pro model Fire vodyboards?

First things first, don't you love supporting people that support you? FIRE is run by bodyboarders for bodyboarders so they know what other brands are doing wrong so they can make the perfect board. They cheap price doesn't mean cheap quality, the quality is the best it makes it more affordable so every bodyboarder can purchase one. Motivtated to get one? don't be shy, go and buy one at http://www.e-bodyboardshop.com/


A last word!

Last words- Thanks to everyone supporting me, my sponsers and my girlfriend.

Thank you


Uné petité Interview de Dougy Smith à propos de son pro modèle de chez Fire Bodyboards!j'ai essayé de décripter sa board et les différents choix comme un crescent tail, un double stringer... You're more Prone or Drop Knee? I'm more prone, I'm too unco for dropknee ha! You recently signed with […]

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