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Interview Takatoshi Inada , Skimboarder From Japan!

par Island Slalom Tour 7 Octobre 2013, 10:07 INTERVIEW Skimboard

Direction le Japon à la découverte d'un passionné de Skimboard qui gère un shop à Hiratsuka!Il a pris le temps de nous parler de sa passion à travers une petite interview!!


Coud you describe you in few line?



I was born at Hiratsuka city,where near beach. After I started skimboarding,I go skimboarding not only weekend but also weekday before I go work especialy we have good waves. skimboarding is my life.





When did you started skimboarding and why?


When I was 23 years old,I saw men who skimboarding at beach. They were so cool. I started skimboarding with board made of wood. at first I coudln’d do it at all.so watched video and studied how to do it



What do you prefer in skimboarding! ?


Sorry,I don’t understand this question,,,





Where do you live ! is it a good place?



I live in Hiratsuka city,Kawagawa ,where middle of Japan. Hratsuka beach is one of the most popular beach to skimboard in japan, and the biggest contest in japan is held in Hiratsuka city.




Where is your shop? Japan is cool to skimboard?



Our shop is at Hiratsuka city where I live.Best skimboard specialty sotre!



What is your biggest Wipe Out?



At Aliso beach!





One morning, you wake up ,You arrive in your kitchen and suddenly,you see a genius in wetsuit! He say:” Hey I can offer you 2 magic gifts if you give me a bottle of milk! What do you say?



Ok,wait a minuet!i wll buy it now!



If you had the choice between these situations: A surf-Trip 9 months in Belgium A domino-course of 3 weeks at Loudeac town in brittany http://www.deltajeux.com/Jeux-de-domino.html Locking-24h in a cage with a gorilla a bit edgy. Which you choose and why?



 I want to be locke in a cage with Gorilla .Because I wanna be friends with him in 24 hours!






How would you define a good session ?


 A good session is when I’m skimming with my friends,and we have good waves!


Do you have sponsors?


SRH Japan, X-TRAK Japan, freestyle, SKIMONE





A last Word ?


 Love skimbaording!!!




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